Welcome to KDCS: we are a cycling club based in Kendal with over 150 members. With the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales on our doorstep we enjoy exploring the area by bike, on and offroad (or both), in a leisurely and sociable way. We have been organising rides and promoting cycling since 1993 and are always friendly and welcoming to new members. Joining is free. We are affiliated to Cycling UK

Sunday, December 20, 2020




I think we can all agree that this has been an unprecedented year for the world which has impacted on everyone’s lives. Here in the KDCS cycling club we’ve never had a year like this too. Early on in the pandemic the committee and I agreed that to try and continue with our ride schedules would not only prove difficult to organise but would present unnecessary risks to both ride leaders and those attending. We therefore made the decision to cancel all club rides until we felt it was safe to put them on. Our mountain bike subgroup similarly made the same decision. 

I don’t think any of us thought that nine months later we would still be no nearer bringing these back. I know many of you have continued to get out on your bikes whether that was solo, family or in agreed small manageable groups maintaining safe distances. 

As I write this memo the news from our leaders has resulted in new rules governing Christmas arrangements and those of you intending to visit family and friends have no doubt now had to alter your plans significantly.

Whilst this has been an extremely difficult year for everyone; here in KDCS we have put on a weekly Zoom virtual club meeting and for those dialling in these have been an excellent way of keeping in touch, receiving news and even communal baking. Thanks to our Social Secretary Dave Wills for organising these as they have certainly lifted our spirits. These ‘ gatherings ‘ resume in the new year and I would urge you to give them a try as they are fun.

We continue to be financially viable thanks to your voluntary contributions when we needed it. We have continued with our support for Cycling UK by remaining as an affiliated group. Our website is still there for all even if there isn’t a lot to publish. We’ve even had a few new members this year. Remember after the 21st December the days grow longer and the light at the end of the tunnel grows brighter. Should you feel a bit down or lonely pick up the phone and talk to other members or do seek help from the organisations experienced enough to offer help. Please don’t suffer in silence.

Given the news on the vaccine I do hope that 2021 will allow us to restart our activities at some point in 2021. In the meantime I wish you and your families all the very best for Christmas and the New Year. Keep your hopes and spirits up and above all keep safe. Thank you all for your support.

I would also like to thank the committee for your contributions over the year.

Fond Regards

Steve Warner


Sunday, October 04, 2020

Chairmans message

 Note to all members from Steve Warner the Chairman of KDCS dated 3.10.20 regarding the clubs current position given the impacts  of the pandemic


 All, there seems to be a never ending change to the advice given out on this and I recently wrote to the KDCS committee regarding the topic of a formal road ride calendar. Will Beck the MTB rides co-ordinator did something similar with our MTB rides group ( 47 members ).


The overwhelming consensus was not to put any form of official rides on for the foreseeable future and that remains the position across the club. 


Cycling UK have regularly updated the guidance on the impact for cycling which can vary due to country, area, lockdowns etc. Please visit the site for the latest information. 


As all of our rides are not ‘official’ club rides then our position remains that members organise their own get togethers at their own risk ( despite our Cycling UK affiliation and ride leaders insurance this will not apply to these rides ). My advice based on current guidance is to ride in a group of no more than 6 and maintain social distancing. Whilst it is possible to have more than one group the other group is then considered a separate entity with either a different route or a generous time lapse between the groups ( e.g 15 mins ) if doing the same route. I would strongly recommend that you stick to organising one group of no more than 6 to avoid problems and public criticism, legal enforcement etc. These of course are your unofficial ‘bubble’ rides so the responsibility rests with you. I’m sorry if this seems a bit like a headmasters speech but as Chairman I’m anxious to avoid any criticism of our club. The MTB group have a members contact list by agreement so organising informal rides is a lot easier for them as a result. The wider KDCS doesn’t have any agreement to share e-mail addresses etc. so I’m afraid it is up to individual members to contact others should they wish to organise any unofficial social rides. 


Whilst these are difficult times can I remind you that most Tuesdays Dave Wills your Social  Secretary organises a Zoom on line meeting at 7pm in an effort to maintain social contact, share information and news and cheer people up. They usually last no more than 40 mins so please join one as you will be surprised how uplifting they can be. 


One bit of news linked to this is that we are planning  a ‘Halloween‘ special zoom with dressing up yourself and / or your background room optional and the musicians amongst you may well play a tune or two ( no jokes about Thriller, Monster Mash etc. please ). 


We are all trying our best in very difficult circumstances and many of you will I’m sure have had family life severely disrupted. Don’t suffer in silence as friendly faces are out there and if you feel a bit isolated join us on the zoom or contact other members for a catch up. 


Keep cycling if you can as it is good for physical and mental health well being.


Take care and many thanks - Steve


Steve Warner - Chairman of KDCS 


07872472346 mobile



Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Alex's Money from Old Rope

One of our MTB gang is fundraising for the Great North Air Ambulance with his own innovative initiative of creating door stops, pet throws,etc. using climbing ropes wrapped around historical Cumbrian rocks. I have attached the Just Giving link for you to look at in case you want to donate. With Tim coming off his bike last week in a remotish spot and me coming off mine on Monday it reinforced my view that anyone of us would be glad of this service should we ever need it. Hopefully not. Alex has told me that if you contact him direct he can offer you a choice of colours / products etc. as well as sending you the link to contribute. A very worthwhile cause I hope you agree and an unusual gift for someone all handmade.

Cheers - Steve

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Chairman's Update

Current position on group riding 3/6/20

Wed 03/06/20 20:49
I today contacted Cycling UK to discuss their advice given the most recent response from the government.
If you go on the Cycling UK website you will be able to view the detail.
Clearly given the current position it would not be wise to consider putting on official club road and mountain bike rides
even though up to 6 members can ride ( provided they adhere to social distancing ).
The organisation, selection of riders, appointing leaders etc. would be beset with problems.
As Chairman I have taken the decision to monitor the position until things improve and further advice is provided.


Chairman’s update 3/6/20

All attached below is the link to the Cycling UK website which has been updated to reflect the latest Govt advice
and guidance in relation to the current Coronavirus crisis.
They cover the position in each of the countries that make up the UK.
In particular they advise that it is permissible now to ride in a group of up to 6 people provided social distancing of 2 metres is met.
Given the current restrictions there is no proposal to introduce any official KDCS rides.
Any group rides you therefore choose to arrange are by personal choice.
You must of course adhere to the social distancing requirements.
Should the position change in the future I will keep you informed.
Keep safe and take care.


Steve Warner
07872472346 mobile
01539734867 home

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Coronavirus impact statement from Steve Warner Chairman of KDCS dated Tuesday 17th March 2020

Following yesterday’s announcement by the UK Government endorsed by the Chief Medical Officer regarding the strategy to reduce / even out the spread of the Coronavirus the decision has been taken in line with the advice issued to suspend all future KDCS road and mountain bike rides.

The KDCS Committee and I are In total agreement that taking such social responsibility supports the social isolation strategy to reduce / spread out the infection risk to give the NHS and others the best chance of better controlling the impacts. Our group rides often involve largish gatherings and stops at cafes etc. and would therefore also increase the risk of infection to both ourselves and others.

I have also spoken today to Cycling UK who are in the process of updating last Fridays advice in the light of these developments. They support our decision.

I am sure that many of us will continue to ride in some capacity for exercise and well being.

On a final note many of our members and their families are in the older or even vulnerable categories and I would ask you to keep in touch in some way whilst they are in isolation and perhaps offer assistance to them should they require it e.g social contact, shopping drop offs etc.

Take care all and I look forward to the day we can resume some semblance of normality and get back to riding together again.

What does the Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak mean for cycling? | Cycling UK

Statement from Cycling UK
 As the national cycling charity, our aim is to support the UK’s population to cycle. This remains true during this period of Covid-19 affecting the UK. Above all, the safety and welfare of Cycling UK’s staff, volunteers, participants at our rides and events, beneficiaries of our cycling programmes and the general public is always our main priority.



Steve Warner


07872472346 mobile

01539734867 home

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Note from Chairman 15/03/2020


In the light of the rapidly escalating Coronavirus crisis I am attaching the most recent advice from Cycling UK with whom KDCS is affiliated. As you can see from the attached information providing you follow the NHS / Govt etc. advice then there is no reason at present to suspend our ride schedules for both MTB and Road cycling. Of course as individuals you must take any steps you feel are necessary to reduce your risk and that to others. Given that many of us are in the at risk category because of age and / or other health related issues I thought it appropriate as Chairman of KDCS to issue the most recent advice I have received. Should the situation change I will write out again. Thank you.

Steve Warner
Chairman KDCS
07872472346 mobile 

Monday, March 09, 2020

Cycling Presentation in Kendal

I just thought some of you might be interested in this presentation in Kendal on April 16th,   It is bookable, and will probably fill up quickly,  so if you are interested you will need to go to the Eventbrite page.    You might also be interested in signing up to the occasional update from the Active Travel mailing list.  You will find a link for  that at the bottom of the page.

Chris Rowley

Sunday, March 01, 2020

Possible trip to Peebles/Innerleithen, June 27-30th, 2020.

  This is a great area for mountain biking with purpose-built trails at Glentress and Innerleithen and also many possibilities for XC routes.  There is a range of accommodation in the area to suit all pockets.  If anyone is interested in 2, 3 or 4 days here please let Andy Gillham know.  I will then know that it is worth planning routes in detail and will pass on information & suggestions for accommodation


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Arnside to Whitby road ride 140 miles - 11th June to 14th June 2020

Phil Morgan is organising a C2C for Garstang CC running from Thursday 11th June to Sunday 14th June.
Although mainly for club members, he would be happy if any KDCS members wanted to tag along….these are his thoughts….

There is a 3 day ride:
Thursday -  Arnside to Hawes - overnight in Hawes,
distance approx. 40 miles.
Route- Barbondale, Denthead, Hawes. Café stops in Dent.

Friday      - Hawes to Northallerton - overnight in Northallerton
approx. 38 miles
Route- Askrigg, Castle Bolton, Leyburn

Saturday - Northallerton to Whitby - overnight in Whitby
approx. 57 miles- 4300 ft ascent
Route- Brompton, Appleton Wisk, Rudby, Great Ayton, Danby, Egton, Sleights, Whitby.

There is a big group meal at the Magpie Fish Restaurant on the Saturday night, then on the Sunday around 1-2pm, everyone gets picked up by coach and returned to the start point at Arnside…bikes come back in a van (2 probably). Thus far we have 29 riders, but it will end up around 32 or so.

Whilst KDCS members may like to arrange their own accommodation, in Hawes Northallerton, and  Whitby….they can take advantage of the luggage transport in our van following each Garstang CC group, and return bike and person transport. 

For further information please  contact David Wills - davidwills1961@outlook.com

Numbers are restricted so it will be on a first come first served basis.