Welcome to KDCS: we are a cycling club based in Kendal with over 150 members. With the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales on our doorstep we enjoy exploring the area by bike, on and offroad (or both), in a leisurely and sociable way. We have been organising rides and promoting cycling since 1993 and are always friendly and welcoming to new members. Joining is free. We are affiliated to Cycling UK

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Exciting new project: Biked Up Pedal Powered young people recruitment

Biked Up, Pedal Powered by Creative Transition -Part of SLACCTT  - May 2012

The project

Biked Up Pedal Powered is a ground-breaking project for young people in the South Lakes to get involved with shaping our future.    
There are three key areas of work:
  •    recruiting, mentoring and training a group of young producers who we will train and mentor in event management - through existing and new contacts in schools (QKS, the Lakes School, Kirkby Kendal), youth clubs, the performing arts college and local housing estates. 
  •   joint delivery of an event at Mintfest, including recruiting dancers, choreography and music composition,  recruitment through social networks, initial taster sessions and a week of development and performance.
  • joint build and maintenance of a ‘big-bike-battery’ – up to 30 bike generators to power this and further events and festivals, such as Staveley Carnival and the Windermere green gathering.
The first outing for Biked Up Pedal Powered is a bike-dance performance by local young street/stunt-bikers choreographed professionally with the Brewery.  The music for the show will be powered by the audience itself, pedalling adapted cycles which act as bike-generators.  The show will be part of Mintfest, September 2012.  It’s fun, quirky, and very skilled.
We will then work with our other networks across the Lakes, including TACT (Windermere) and PACT (Penrith) to find more opportunities for the young producers to participate in events using the bike-bike-battery and bike or other performance.
The project is important in combating poor efforts to address climate change despite dramatic events like the Cumbrian floods of 2010. 
Our Transition groups have a history of successful campaigns but tend to focus on energy, transport and building. 
The Creative Transition group says that a sustainable future depends as much on a healthy local community as care for our resources.  We will take a new, optimistic approach to the challenge of climate change involving people in a real and optimistic approach to a low carbon future. 
By working with young people, we hope to tap into their young energy and really effective social networks.  

The impact

We will use this project to make a step change to Transition in the South Lakes by cementing partnerships with: the Brewery – the cultural heart of Kendal; Lakes Alive, the flagship national and international festival organinsation; the transition network; the district council through our practical project management and a new group of activists , mostly young people, their families, clubs and schools. 
The project is a springboard for a group of young producers to be trained in event management and social entrepreneurship to continue to be active in the South Lakes.  It will introduce a group of young engineers to simple and sustainable engineering solutions to our energy challenges.  The ‘big-bike-battery’ will be used at festivals and events for the next five years, as a fun ‘green’ alternative power source. 
The project will reach: 10 young producers, 6 young engineers, taster sessions in four venues for up to 60, a performance by up to 30 young people, a group of 10 adults to mentor the young people and help build the bike generators.
The message will be shared initially with target audiences of: local young people and their families, around 150; their schools, in the region of 3,000 young people; the Mintfest festival audience expected to be 2,000 on the night of our performance; the Mintfest tourist and community audience through publicity materials, around 25,000.
Finally we will share our experiences nationally through the transition research network organised by CRESC, the new companion to the Transition Handbook on culture; and specialist arts and events media, including through ISAN.

The partners

The project is led by Creative Transition, a sub-group of the charity South Lakes Action on Climate Change – Towards Transition.  SLACCTT is part of the Transition Town Network, an associated group of the Campaign Against Climate Change and a member of Cumbria Sustainability Network.
We have a track record of facilitating grass-roots action since 2007; five active groups; 500 people on our mailing list and an ongoing programme of film screenings, talks, workshops and discussion groups.  See www.slacc.org.uk for our many projects, for example running the annual CycleFest event and cycling promotions and running Home Energy Action Together (HEAT).  This project takes us into arts and culture, an underdeveloped area for us and the Transition movement more generally, through two significant new partnerships with award-winning arts organisations. 
Mandy Barnett will be leading the voluntary SLACCTT team.  She is a climate activist; a consultant in participatory arts and formerly a designer and project manager.   She is part of the national Happy Museum project promoting sustainable well-being.
The Brewery Arts Centre is a vibrant centre for the community and tourists sitting at the gateway to the lakes.  Brewery Youth Arts provides fun, high quality creative experiences for young people from 18 months to 20 years www.breweryarts.org.uk. Paul Singleton, the development director, will be leading.  Choreography will be led by Helen Moffitt, who has 10 years’ experience developing community dance programmes. 
Mintfest is the main annual Lakes Alive project for Kendal Arts International (KAI) which creates international quality outdoor arts events since 2006.  KAI is a member of ISAN, the Independent Street Arts Network and a Without Walls, a consortium of 8 of the UK's most strategically significant outdoor arts festivals www.lakesalive.org.uk.  Jan Shorrock, marketing manager, will lead