Welcome to KDCS: we are a cycling club based in Kendal with over 150 members. With the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales on our doorstep we enjoy exploring the area by bike, on and offroad (or both), in a leisurely and sociable way. We have been organising rides and promoting cycling since 1993 and are always friendly and welcoming to new members. Joining is free. We are affiliated to Cycling UK

Code of Conduct for Riders and Leaders

As a club we want to ensure that all riders have a good day out and enjoy themselves. We ask that the following advice is read, understood and adhered to for the safety of everyone.


  • Ensure your bike is roadworthy and kept in reasonable repair.
  • Carry a simple tool kit (including spare inner tube) that will allow you to fix common problems such as punctures, loose fittings etc.  
  • Carry lights especially in winter (and ensure that they are fully charged).
  • Dress appropriately and be prepared for inclement weather by carrying waterproof clothing. Although not compulsory, wearing an approved helmet of the correct size can reduce head contact injuries.
  • Carry drinks and snacks to keep you going, even if the ride does include cafe stops.
  • If you feel unwell or suffer mechanical problems please advise the ride leader as soon as possible. Please don’t suffer in silence.
  • If you wish to leave the group please inform the ride leader as you may end up being treated as a missing person and inconvenience others.
  • Don’t ride more than two abreast unless overtaking and be prepared to change to single file when traffic is approaching or if the ride leader advises you to do so. On busy roads large groups should split up to allow vehicles to pass between the smaller groups.
  • Try to ride smoothly, keep a reasonable distance from the rider in front and avoid braking without warning.
  • Shout warnings and signal other riders if you see danger ahead. Be prepared to stop safely.
  • Should the group be split please be prepared to slow down or find a safe place to stop in order to allow the group to reform.
  • Take care on lanes, look and listen and be careful when approaching bends / blind corners.
  • Do not overtake the ride leader without their consent and knowledge of the route ahead.  Be aware that if you cycle off the front and miss a turning, you will be on your own and will greatly inconvenience the rest of the group.
  • Be courteous to other road users.


  • When planning rides, where possible choose a route which avoids main roads.  Ensure you are familiar with the route, including the location of coffee and lunch stops, toilets etc. and making sure that they are open.
  • Designate a clear meeting point for the start of the ride, taking into account parking options and a safe place to gather. 
  • Before the start of the ride, introduce yourself, welcome any newcomers and provide brief details of the intended route, refreshment stops etc.  If the group is large (>10, say) appoint a back marker.
  • Once underway be prepared to warn riders of any difficulties ahead including dangerous road surfaces, traffic problems, obstructions and hazards, horses, difficult road junctions etc.
  • Ensure that all riders are aware of turnings at junctions, either by waiting yourself or by appointing another rider as a signpost, who must wait until the back marker has acknowledged the change of direction.
  • Be aware of the pace of the group and be prepared to slow down to ensure that riders are not dropped off the back.  At the top of steep hills, find a safe place beyond the summit to wait for the group to regather.
  • Be prepared to deal with any unexpected emergencies, breakdowns etc.  Carry spare tubes, repair kit, coins, phone and a small first aid kit, if available.