Welcome to KDCS: we are a cycling club based in Kendal with over 150 members. With the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales on our doorstep we enjoy exploring the area by bike, on and offroad (or both), in a leisurely and sociable way. We have been organising rides and promoting cycling since 1993 and are always friendly and welcoming to new members. Joining is free. We are affiliated to Cycling UK

Sunday, December 20, 2020




I think we can all agree that this has been an unprecedented year for the world which has impacted on everyone’s lives. Here in the KDCS cycling club we’ve never had a year like this too. Early on in the pandemic the committee and I agreed that to try and continue with our ride schedules would not only prove difficult to organise but would present unnecessary risks to both ride leaders and those attending. We therefore made the decision to cancel all club rides until we felt it was safe to put them on. Our mountain bike subgroup similarly made the same decision. 

I don’t think any of us thought that nine months later we would still be no nearer bringing these back. I know many of you have continued to get out on your bikes whether that was solo, family or in agreed small manageable groups maintaining safe distances. 

As I write this memo the news from our leaders has resulted in new rules governing Christmas arrangements and those of you intending to visit family and friends have no doubt now had to alter your plans significantly.

Whilst this has been an extremely difficult year for everyone; here in KDCS we have put on a weekly Zoom virtual club meeting and for those dialling in these have been an excellent way of keeping in touch, receiving news and even communal baking. Thanks to our Social Secretary Dave Wills for organising these as they have certainly lifted our spirits. These ‘ gatherings ‘ resume in the new year and I would urge you to give them a try as they are fun.

We continue to be financially viable thanks to your voluntary contributions when we needed it. We have continued with our support for Cycling UK by remaining as an affiliated group. Our website is still there for all even if there isn’t a lot to publish. We’ve even had a few new members this year. Remember after the 21st December the days grow longer and the light at the end of the tunnel grows brighter. Should you feel a bit down or lonely pick up the phone and talk to other members or do seek help from the organisations experienced enough to offer help. Please don’t suffer in silence.

Given the news on the vaccine I do hope that 2021 will allow us to restart our activities at some point in 2021. In the meantime I wish you and your families all the very best for Christmas and the New Year. Keep your hopes and spirits up and above all keep safe. Thank you all for your support.

I would also like to thank the committee for your contributions over the year.

Fond Regards

Steve Warner
