Minutes of the KDCS Committee meeting held 23/1/19
Attendees - Steve Warner, Anne Brooks, Martin Slader, Brian Woodward, Dave Wills, Mike Pezet.
As Chairman Steve welcomed all to the meeting and thanked everyone for making it a very successful year for KDCS. He appreciates the amount of work put in to provide members with a great range of regular rides and social events. The Christmas meal was initially oversubscribed demonstrating the support we enjoy from our members and we have had high numbers out on our rides during 2018.
1. Finance Report and move to a modern on line account
Martin advised that we have £337.18p in our Skipton Account. This account can be accessed at Branch level only and requires any 2 of our 3 named signatories for withdrawals. A recent donation of £10 was made to a non passbook holder and the process to pay it in was a little long winded. Further expected expenditure for 2019 is a small sum of £23.98 to cover the KDCS domain name for the next 2 years plus the Cycling Uk ride leaders insurance of circa £75. It was agreed that we now need a more modern account that gives an on line facility. Following subsequent enquiries with the Skipton it was confirmed that there is the facility for members to pay monies into the account on line using the BACS method. There is however the need to provide the title KDCS, the branch account number, our account number and sort code. There is no facility for a reference name so members would need to e-mail a named committee member to advise of any payments made. All amounts will appear in the passbook once it is updated. Given that we have such an on line pay in facility there is no need to change our account.
2. Income generation
Given that we will be left with just over £200 in our account after this years costs it was agreed that we need to generate further capital. All stated that they were not in favour of charging a joining fee or collect annual subs but rather that we seek to raise the money through a voluntary appeal supplemented if necessary by requesting a small top up to next years Christmas meal cost. There was a debate around requesting donations at social events and whilst this is to be considered it was felt we needed the direct appeal as this would go out to all members not just those attending events. The introduction of an on line account would also assist in facilitating such payments.
3. Membership awareness
Mike advised that we had around 14 new members last year quite a few being MTB riders. Anne advised we have over 120 members in total. All agreed that we are a unique club that appeals to people not wanting to join the more competing type club such as KCC etc. Mike has an article shortly going into the widely circulated ‘in focus’ magazine and we agreed that there wasn’t a need to formally advertise wider.
4. Social Events
It was agreed that we should aim for 4 quarterly social events again this year but that we should also seek to introduce talks / slide shows appealing to members who would like share their experiences. A suitable venue at nil / low cost to be sought for this. Some members put on quirky rides last year
including a trip to a pizza venue and an Arnside Fireworks ride. These additional trips just add to the great ride experiences provided for members and it will be left to individual members to decide whether they want to put such events on.
5. Additional trips
The MTB Group have already met to plan a range of multi day trips but in addition there will be an all comers long weekend trip to North Yorkshire in June this year. Members who wish to organise any additional trips are welcome to do so.
6. Authorisation of content for the website,Facebook site and e- mails to members and layout of our web pagesFollowing last years changes in data protection we have already advised members that content and communications will be appropriate, relevant and kept to a minimum. The regular monthly newsletter issued by Anne provides relevant and up to date news as well as ride details. It will not include members contact numbers or e- mail addresses unless permission has been given. After discussion we agreed that some posts were more appropriate for the website rather than by e-mail to all members and that we need to ensure we are not contravening data protection principles on content sent to members.
In terms of layout it was noted that our front page (LHS) should be used for details of immediate and at times urgent information. These posts often go out of date quickly although several posts have been removed / archived recently resulting in the top post being quite out of date. Dave to look at layout options that could facilitate sale items / archive / delete options.
The issue of ride reports was raised. Bill Jackson recently produced a good article covering a ride organised in conjunction with a Kirkby Stephen based e- bike business. It was agreed that whilst ride reports are interesting they should be on a voluntary basis only. Dave will look at a location for such
reports whilst reviewing layout options.
Some of the news could have their own dedicated pages with links from the front page. We may perhaps need to write to members if we make changes to offer direction on where to find items include recipes, bike shops, mechanical services etc.
7. Any other business
There being no other business the meeting was brought to a close.
Steve Warner
Chairman of KDCS