Welcome to KDCS: we are a cycling club based in Kendal with over 150 members. With the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales on our doorstep we enjoy exploring the area by bike, on and offroad (or both), in a leisurely and sociable way. We have been organising rides and promoting cycling since 1993 and are always friendly and welcoming to new members. Joining is free. We are affiliated to Cycling UK

Saturday, May 26, 2018


The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on the 25.5.18 and many of you will have been approached by organisations you currently subscribe to advising you of the changes.

KDCS uses very basic information that you have supplied such as name, e-mail, telephone and address so that we have a record of membership numbers and to enable us to communicate with you with details of rides, social events etc. Our aim is to only provide you with useful and relevant information. Our website is password protected and can only be accessed by some key members of the committee.

We do not generally pass on any of your information ( the exception has been basic ride leader details provided to CTC ( now Cycling UK ) for ride leader cycling insurance purposes. You will be aware that when we issue the monthly newsletter and other e-mails we blind copy to ensure that members are not made privy to other members contact details.

We need to have your up to date details to enable us to to continue to update you with the news.

All current members have been sent an e-mail this week advising of the action YOU need to take if you wish to continue receiving information from the club. You were asked to reply YES to the e-mail if you wished to continue receiving the information and that if we did not get your consent we would have to remove your details from our mailing list.

Thank you to those that have responded. Not all have so this is a reminder that you need to take urgent action if you wish to receive our updates. Once your details have been removed you can rejoin KDCS by visiting the website and clicking on the ‘join free ‘ link on the top scroll bar. You will be asked for relevant information and once received you will then be automatically enrolled and receive communications from us.

Steve Warner

Chairman 26.5.18