Subjects discussed were:
- The ATOG constitution which Adrian has compiled. The current draft is attached. This covers voluntary donations and subscriptions, Members and Supporters. The need to set up a bank account.
- The Constitution should cover the need to establish officers and utilise skills available from Supporters. We hope the list of Supporters will include local politicians, representative of local bodies and anyone who can bring support to ATOG, but without necessarily being actively involved.
- Richard and Catherine Wandzel have kindly offered to be the initial ATOG representative for the Grange area. Richard will obtain for us the details of the Grange County Councillor and other important contacts in Grange. Adrian will make contact with the MP Tim Farron and leading Councillors inviting support.
- We will plan launch meetings in both Arnside and Grange, probably in September to sign up initial Members and to approve the Constitution. Meetings will be held at a convenient time, either at the weekend or on evenings. Adrian will draft publicity posters for these meetings in due course. Richard will check available dates at Grange Town Hall.
- A website is probably needed, and we may also set up a Facebook page for to encourage ideas and discussion from supporters. Richard and Catherine will consider this further.
- The new Coastal Communities Fund (launched by Government this month) may be a source of grants. Adrian will pursue his contacts with Sustrans (the cycling charity) who could be a major sponsor?
- Stuart will establish the initial prospective list of members from his contact list as some people had not had responses when they offered support.