We've had this message from Liz Ashburn, Transport Group Coordinator of SLACC:
The lead up to the Workplace Cycle Challenge is well under way, with the new website about to go live early next week, and the job list lengthening. So a Transport Group meeting will take place on Tuesday 31 May at 7.30pm in the Intro Bar at the Brewery to check on progress and see how things are shaping up.
It would be great if as many people as possible could make it, or if not possible, please let Sonny know in advance if you are able to help in the last push to sign up as many participants as possible. We have leaflets and posters to distribute. This year the challenge runs from 13 June to 22 July and there are prizes for greatest total mileage for team of up to 5 people, greatest number of trips for a team of up to 5 people, greatest number of trips by a new or returning cyclist and several other group prizes.
Please contact Sonny if you can help in any way.