This was a very positive meeting, with support and general agreement for the main proposals.
The revised proposal drawings showed a number of amendments to the previous drawings,which had taken notice of the points raised at the earlier meeting. Four drawing were shown as well as a number of 3D visualisation drawings showing how a number of the junctions would look.
The three route drawings showed the three options for the New Road section of the route -
Option 1 - shows the pedestrian/cycle way along side the road, in front of the parked cars.
Option 2 - shows the pedestrian/cycle way going along by the wall by the river at the back of the New Road , from Melrose Place, just after the footbridge to Gooseholme and coming out past the toilets to the front of the parked cars then along to Miller Bridge.

Option 3 - shows the pedestrian/cycle way going all the way along by the wall by the river at the back of the New Road, from Melrose Place, (just after the footbridge to Gooseholme) and then all the way to Miller Bridge, going behind the toilets and over the slipway by way of a (removable) bridge.

It has been confirmed, that Gooseholme is proposed to be shared use cycle/pedestrian as other footpath sections and subject to obtaining permissive rights from the landowner, this would then link with the Canal cycle path.
The forth drawing shows the the design of the signs to be used on the route -we were told they are designed to be less obtrusive.

The overwhelming view of the people at the meeting was in favour of option 3 - the main reasons being - it was felt it would be more pleasant, being by the river rather than alongside a busy road- it also would be safer as there was less potential for conflict with vehicles, no need to cycle across the entrance and exits for the car park.
A number of items in the detail of the design of a few parts of the route were queried, and some minor redesign was to take place. But the overwhelming conclusion was how good the proposal was, how much it would benefit Kendal. For both cyclists and pedestrians, it will transform getting around Kendal - and should encourage more people to cycle in Kendal in future.
PDF copies of the latest Kendal Leisure Route - Drawings (including amendments resulting from the second consultation meeting) can be emailed to you -there are four PDF documents -
Kendal_Jan08 - Whole Scheme - Option 1
Kendal_Jan08 - Whole Scheme - Option 2
Kendal_Jan08 - Whole Scheme - Option 3-1
Kendal_Jan08 - Whole Scheme - Typical Sign Faces - Cross Se
NOTE: These are new drawings dated 4.3.08 and not the drawings on the KDCS web site.
To get the drawings email Latest Kendal Leisure Route - Drawings and ask for the Kendal Riverside Route - proposals drawings, you will be sent all four unless you specify otherwise.
It would be better if you have broadband as the four PDF’s are quite large files.
You will need Adobe Acrobat installed, most people will have this, it is free download
available here> Adobe Acrobat