We have received a PDF that shows various 3D visualisations of the Kendal Riverside Route scheme, printed versions of these were shown at the third meeting about the Kendal Riverside Route Proposals. We hope to have these available to view on the KDCS web site soon, they will be on show at the Kendal Eco-Fair being held by SLACC on Sat 29th March at the Castle St Centre, Kendal 10.30am - 4pm. See the next item, above for more details
The visualisation drawings are shown on 7 pages, it is quite a large file. If you would like them emailed to you - email KDCS blog and ask for the Kendal Riverside Route - 3D visualisations drawings. It would be better if you have broadband as the PDF is quite a large file.
You will need Adobe Acrobat installed, most people will have this, it is free download available here> Adobe Acrobat